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Our Blog

Changing the lives of carers

Welcome to our blog. This is where we share latest news from the field, carers’ stories, advocacy progress, and much more!

Woman standing next to a cow holding a sign
22 June 2021
Earlier this month it was Carers Week in the UK and the theme this year was Make Caring Visible and Valued. Promoting recognition of unpaid family...
A mature aged lady, sat on the ground surrounded with clear tarpaulin
16 June 2021
Today marks 5 years since MP Jo Cox was murdered. Since then the Jo Cox Foundation has funded projects that have helped to create something positiv...
Man speaking at a conference
25 May 2021
For this #HumansCare story we spoke to Stecy Yghemonos, Executive Director of Eurocarers, the European network representing informal carers and the...
Mum caring for son
28 April 2021
Goma is from Thimi, Nepal. She is a carer for her 12 year old daughter Apekshya, who has Cerebral Palsy.
Chris Underhill with Anil Patil. Text: Chris Underhill, MBE. Carers Worldwide Founding Chair of Trustees #HumansCare
14 April 2021
This year we are very sad to say goodbye to our founding Chair of Trustees, Chris Underhill MBE. Chris has been with us from the start of our Carer...
The Global Carer Well-Being Index
06 April 2021
“The pandemic has affected the lives of nearly everyone on the planet. In particular, it has had an unprecedented impact on a group of people alrea...