Carers Charter
By signing our Carers Charter you are demonstrating your commitment to unpaid family carers and pledging to do what you can in your own sphere of influence to promote and support their rights. Please join us and #CommitToCarers.
Current Submissions:
- We recognise that unpaid family carers play a central role in the wellbeing of the person they are caring for, in the community and in the functioning and economic prosperity of society.
- We uphold the right of unpaid family carers to equal opportunities in all aspects of their life, their community and their workplace and commit to advocating on their behalf.
- We commit to providing unpaid family carers with the information, support and training they need to assist them in their caring journey and to protect their own wellbeing.
- Promote the right of unpaid family carers to maintain their own physical and mental health, to maintain social connections and to engage in activities of their choice outside of their caring responsibilities.
- Support the right of unpaid family carers to combine caring with education, training and employment and advocate for them to be treated positively in the education and work place.
- Advocate for the inclusion of unpaid family carers in welfare schemes and promote the development of new schemes which protect carers from economic hardship.
Sign Charter
Find out more about Carers Day, when we launched the charter, and the impact we’ve had in South Asia.
We at Caritas India are working towards poverty alleviation, humanitarian response, environment, education and health. Caritas India was established in 1962. We have limited capacities when it comes to carers. In every program, we have carers taking care of elderly and persons with disabilities, children with disabilities. We wish to know if you could share with us some kind of training module that can be used in training the carers.
I am interested in your care giving model to understand its process.
Great charter
Caring is the most relentless and the most rewarding task we ever undertake