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Carers Charter

By signing our Carers Charter you are demonstrating your commitment to unpaid family carers and pledging to do what you can in your own sphere of influence to promote and support their rights. Please join us and #CommitToCarers.

Current Submissions:


  • We recognise that unpaid family carers play a central role in the wellbeing of the person they are caring for, in the community and in the functioning and economic prosperity of society.
  • We uphold the right of unpaid family carers to equal opportunities in all aspects of their life, their community and their workplace and commit to advocating on their behalf.
  • We commit to providing unpaid family carers with the information, support and training they need to assist them in their caring journey and to protect their own wellbeing.
By committing to this charter, in our own spheres of influence we will:
  • Promote the right of unpaid family carers to maintain their own physical and mental health, to maintain social connections and to engage in activities of their choice outside of their caring responsibilities.
  • Support the right of unpaid family carers to combine caring with education, training and employment and advocate for them to be treated positively in the education and work place.
  • Advocate for the inclusion of unpaid family carers in welfare schemes and promote the development of new schemes which protect carers from economic hardship.

Sign Charter

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Find out more about Carers Day, when we launched the charter, and the impact we’ve had in South Asia.


Delhi, India
Carers play such an important role in our society. They deserve respect, recognition and support.
Mrs Dina Bartle
Michael Rozdoba
Washington, UK
Thank you for acknowledging the value unpaid carers give to society & seeking to support them in their lives. Blessed be.
Keith Aldred
Harpenden, UK
Dr Susan Read
Mold, Wales, UK

We at Caritas India are working towards poverty alleviation, humanitarian response, environment, education and health. Caritas India was established in 1962. We have limited capacities when it comes to carers. In every program, we have carers taking care of elderly and persons with disabilities, children with disabilities. We wish to know if you could share with us some kind of training module that can be used in training the carers.

Margery Anne Wilson

Sathis Sayeenath
Tamil Nadu, India

Dr. Nandini Arora
Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India

I am interested in your care giving model to understand its process.

Sarah Bone
Queensland, Australia

Great charter

Hi. You are doing a great job please add me to your list, I am a family caregiver myself for my daughter 7.5 yrs. I support the mission wholeheartedly and have taken step to spread the word about the same. Let's keep adding more for the cause.
Tanveer Rizvi
Sri Lanka
Claudia Keenan
Michelle Bell
Carers, particularly those who care for their loved ones, are courageous individuals, and are fulfilling more than one role, and deserve equality to paid carers, at the very least!
Christine Merrall
United Kingdom
Value is so much more than monetary Money is merely a token of exchange. There are other things much more important to give – care, kindness and love being three Carers offer all three at their expense in monetary terms – and they offer more, they deserve all blessings and support
Chandra Whear
United Kingdom
Carers are vitally important though their needs often overlooked. Governments must recognise and support them.
Mrs R Rychnovsky
United Kingdom
Carers make everything work and should be respected and valued.
Ceris Bradley
I support our unpaid carers and hope that our government can do more to support them and their families
United Kingdom
I care for my wife who has dementia. I am very fortunate to have the security of a house, some savings, a retirement pension, time and other family nearby. For those without these it must be a complete nightmare.
Robert Goundry
Leamington Spa, United Kingdom
United Kingdom
Carers work hard 24/7 and deserve recognition.
Helen MacBean
Allison Aves
Warwickshire , United Kingdom
Ivor Timson
Nuneaton, United Kingdom
Keep up the good and caring work.
Debra Ward
North Somerset, United Kingdom
Una Ni Riain
Carers are Heroes. I really respect them because I couldn’t cope with the hard work and emotional intensity involved
Steve Jeggo
Leicester, England
Margaret Anderson
Oban, Scotland
Vania Terzopoulou
United Kingdom
Help carers live sensible lives economically and socially
Berenice Westwood
Kenneth Hawes
Chris Sheldon
Lowestoft , United Kingdom
Felix Watkins
I stand with unpaid family carers and will do what I can within my social sphere to support and promote their rights.
Jan Matthews
United Kingdom
Janice Beckett
United Kingdom
We need carers more than ever so they must be supported
Margaret Winter
Kenneth Hawes
Miles Callaghan
Anne Thorpe
Milan, Italy
Conn Elphinstone
Unpaid Carers need support, training etc if they are to survive in their role. More importantly , they need emotional and personnel support, as do their families.
Jennifer Ann Haynes
Hilary Davies
Kent, United Kingdom
Teresa Stoner
M. Tait
Dorset, United Kingdom
Eleonore Schwarz
3242 Texing Caring for someone is wonderful, if you are healthy and fit yourself.
Gidea Park, Romford, United Kingdom
I was a full-time carer for my elderly mother from 1997 to 2006 and even I (eventually) got the pricely sum of £38 per week. It is appalling that carers in all aspects of the profession are paid such paltry wages, let alone nothing. It is a disgrace, but this is the Conservative Government for you. I fully support this Charter and all the carers around the country.
Sim Ashford
Michaela Haugen
Peterborough, United Kingdom
Rev Jane Dunlop
United Kingdom
Your hard work should be valued and appreciated more
Liz Andrews
United Kingdom
Ann Whitfield
Sheffield, United Kingdom
We couldn’t manage without them
Miss Julia Wilkinson
Dear Carers Worldwide I’ve signed your charter but what I really mean is (as I’m likely to forget the details of it, as I hardly know any family carers or people being cared for, and I don’t much come into contact with this sort of thing) that I’ll try to remember that I’ve signed it and generally try to support the rights and needs of family carers where I remember and when I can.
Lydia Heneke
South Africa
Roxanne Needham
United Kingdom
Linda Mockett
Nottingham, United Kingdom
Unpaid family carers are providing care and love to so many people whose needs are not being met otherwise. They deserve all the support they can get, to maintain their own physical and mental wellbeing.
United States
Kari Ann Shiff
Caring for someone is a job as much as any other job but it is too often overlooked and unsupported, under-recognized in its value to individuals and society as a whole. Keep fighting for your rights!
Lesley Hawkins
United Kingdom
Marian Kamanalagi
United Kingdom
Patricia Tweed
Pamela McDermott
United Kingdom
Caring is an essential component of family life but, ideally, should not restrict the life of the care giver. I believe that the Carers Charter reflects this and am therefore pleased to support it.
Catherine Layfield
United Kingdom
Carol L Mosses
United States
Rebecca Fricker
United Kingdom
Cathy Rhodes
United Kingdom
Stephen Branscombe
Christchurch Dorset
Carers worldwide need support to enable them to carry out their vital service, which benefits us all. Being an unpaid family carer should not be to their own detriment and they should receive the support they need to fully participate and flourish like any other member of society.
United Kingdom
Gillian Johnston
United Kingdom
Tina Blaker
W Yorkshire
Yvonne Stonehewer
United Kingdom
In support of all carers, you are appreciated.
Gill Jones
Gill Sammons
SW United Kingdom
Susan Crozier
Pamela Denison
Josephine Simmonds
United Kingdom
Unpaid carers is one those groups of people who make the world go round. You never know what’s round the corner and when you might become one or be cared by one of them.
Izzie Stamp
Jan Grey
Give carers the care they deserve.
Helen Peck
United Kingdom
Margaret Westmore
United Kingdom
Wonderful to hear about your organisation who are doing so much to support unpaid family carers and helping them to protect their own well-being. All good wishes for 2023
Catherine Sproat
United Kingdom
Paula Bradfield
United Kingdom
United Kingdom
Anne Robb
United Kingdom
Nicola Royan
United Kingdom

Caring is the most relentless and the most rewarding task we ever undertake

Annie Altidor
Bridlington, United Kingdom
United Kingdom
Gostandinos Christofi
United Kingdom
Anthony Simmons
Jane Ayre
Newark-on-Trent, Nottinghamshire, United Kingdom
I want to support all those giving care to people. We do it because we care, often at the detriment of our own well being.
Ursula Leonard
United Kingdom
I want to support all those giving care to people. We do it because we care, often at the detriment of our own well being.
Gillian Gregorzik
Bristol, United Kingdom
I support the rights of unpaid carers
Fern Taylor
United Kingdom
Amanda Neville
United Kingdom
Amy Davis
Chippenham Wiltshire , United Kingdom
Jennifer Boag
United Kingdom
Andrew King
United Kingdom
Clare Thompson
Ayesha Grosvenor-Ejjayha
London , United Kingdom
Mary Harkin
United Kingdom
Jo Beddoe
United Kingdom
Emma Spencer
United Kingdom
Canterbury Kent
Carers need support to continue caring
Carla Rivero
United Kingdom
Helen Coyne
Newcastle Upon Tyne, England
Rhiannon Davies
Oxfordshire, United Kingdom
Carers are too often overlooked and unsupported. We need to change this. Unpaid carers should have the recognition and support they deserve.
Ricky Thamman
United Kingdom
Carers’ rights is human rights.
Serena Tutt
United Kingdom
Larissa Gutscher
Vicki Jenner
Derby, United Kingdom
Lois Lodge
United Kingdom
Thank you for all the work you do.
Rachel Reyburn
United Kingdom
Daniele Viner
United Kingdom
Carers’ Rights are very important
Sarah Greatorex
United Kingdom
Emma Wishart
Stephanie Wrightson
United Kingdom
Without family carers, society would fall apart. They need support, particularly those devoting their lives to dementia sufferers.
Robin Berry
Family members and loved ones provide amazing selfless care. My mum cared for her partner while he went through multiple cancer diagnoses and eventually he passed away. She did it all with hardly any support and it is one of the toughest jobs there is. These people deserve assistance and recognition for the huge amounts of work they do across the country.
Margery Wilson
Jessica Ottaway
United Kingdom
Thank you for all you do, you are all heroes xx
Carol Morton
Wendy Micklewright
Martin Dixon
United Kingdom
I am determined that all carers receive fair treatment wherever they are in the world. You are so valuable to our communities.
Carers must be valued and their role viewed as an essential part of our society. They must be supported in all aspects of their lives.
Catherine Hanley
We advocate the inclusion of unpaid family carers in welfare schemes to protect them from economic hardship.
Delphine Hope
The contribution of carers to a healthy functioning society is enormous and should without a doubt be formally recognised and supported.
Angela Tonks
Jennifer Noyelle
God bless you!
Neil Tween
United Kingdom
Julie Brown
United Kingdom
Vivien Bennett
Allison Rensch
United Kingdom
Helen Wallace
United Kingdom
Mary Enright
Derbyshire, United Kingdom
Liz Goyder
United Kingdom
Anita Roy
United Kingdom
Carers keep the world working. Best wishes in your fight for justice!
Alison Barker
United Kingdom
Care for the carers NOW!!!
John Matthews
United Kingdom
Alison Hallam
Alison Hallam
Thank you to everyone who cares for a loved one. Your love makes them feel loved. God bless you all.
Melissa Mann
London, United Kingdom
B Levene
Kernow, United Kingdom
John Gerard Tracey
Ann Dixon
Jennifer Forshaw
Grainne McLaughlin
I support the Carers’ charter.
Sharon Pearse
United Kingdom
Elaine Ball
Scotland, UK
Colin David Coates
Juliette Davenport
Wales UK
Unpaid carers are too often ignored or unappreciated. This must change.
Trevor Owen-Williams
United Kingdom
Carol Jones
Bristol UK
Best wishes to all carers worldwide. I pray their dedication, hard work and sacrifice will be acknowledged and their needs met.
Richard Connelll
United Kingdom
Unpaid carers have been taken advantage off for far too. long. They deserve recognise and rights to protect them and their valuable work.
Simon Sanderson
Carers are a lifeline to many and do a brilliant job. They deserve help and support.
Elizabeth Grubb
South Queensferry
Carers are the most wonderful people who seldom receive thanks but completely DESERVE our thanks for ALL that they do so lovingly and willingly.
Jo Warner
Jo Woodcock
Louise Harrison
Sandra Kemplen
All carers need support and care themselves.
Marion Fisher
As a carer myself I understand your situations. God bless you in all you do.
Marthese Ebejer
Emma Jaques
John Hannibal
Meols, Wirral UK
People need support doing the work of the social services and need recognition for their role in society.
Jay Mitchell
Shrewsbury, United Kingdom
Thomasina Brown
United Kingdom
I’m at church/community worker so I am well aware of the support that unpaid carers need. My husband has fibromyalgia so I’m also an unpaid carer for him.
Lynda Hammond
Rose Bunker
United Kingdom
All around the world, carers are supporting their family day and night with little recognition and no pay, and yet this is one of the most important jobs there is! Carers deserve protection, proper provision and support.
Patrick Sills
Lyn Lacey
Tobias Forster
St Albans
I fully support the welfare of Carers Worldwide.
Christne Angel
Jan Kitchin
United Kingdom
Ruth Ogden
Lin Hastings
Penelope Rowe
Rutland, UK
Helen Frances Taylor
Thinking of you as you care for your loved one(s). Supporting you in your campaign for help and assistance in you invaluable role.
Cordelia Harrison
United Kingdom
Elaine Padden
United Kingdom
Hannah Nicholls
Devon, UK
Southampton, England
Thank you for all you are doing to raise the profile and awareness of the crucial contribution carers make.
Gillian Perrott
Carers take a lot of stress and need support & training on how best to carry out their role. They need rest times from their caring role and financial help to do their job well without burn out.
Ruth Grimberg
Sue Ingham
Wendy Carr
United Kingdom
Gordon Mackenzie
Beverley Barton
United Kingdom
Caring for a disabled relative is very hard work and a long-term commitment. Carers need support and looking after. Any of us could become carers at any time.
Stephanie Warsop
United Kingdom
Richard Hamilton
Carol Bryant
United Kingdom
Suzie Williams
United Kingdom
Heather Allen
Seaton Sluice, UK
Mary Beyer
United Kingdom
Anne McNally
United Kingdom
Jonathan Boud
Lynne Spurgeon
Ann Young
When you care for others, you need much care and support yourselves – for the demanding physical and emotional aspects of the caring you do, and for the effect on every aspect of your own life. So many people want you to be really well supported, and let’s hope this petition truly benefits you. You are a star, being a carer.
Fully support the hundreds and thousands of people world wide who commit to caring for members of their extended families even though it may drive them into destitution.
Honora Askew
ML Ewing
Brenda Thomson
Bev Blackley
Dave North
Ray Debroize
Philip Bate
Grace Bates
Surrey uk
Carers do an incredible job, saving governments millions – they deserve to be supported
Melissa Baker
United Kingdom
Carers are so important and deserve to be recognised and supported for all that they do. They are amazing!
Valerie Renyard
Poole, Dorset, UK
Liz Ellison
United Kingdom
You all have my support and thanks for the care you give to your loved ones. I hope with the right help you can find a healthy balance to continue to care but equally care for yourselves too…With Metta, Liz.
Bolton, UK
Sue Purchase
Susan King
Alison Large
Loughborough, UK
John Gatehouse
Liz Beard
Nathan Williamson
Mrs Julia Bush
Clevedon, UK
Your care is beyond price, but you deserve financial support.
Paul Heppleston
United Kingdom
Keep on keeping on – you are so valued in the world.
Having been an unpaid carer for my infirm mother while also holding down a full-time job I have experience of juggling the need to provide care with the need to work and the resultant pressure on physical and mental health and the ability to participate in the wider community.
Maggie Dunn
All carers must be given support and a fair deal.
Needingworth, UK
Jan Hetherington
Peterborough, UK
I declare my support for all carers. worldwide.
Annette Carachi
You are doing amazing work & it needs to be recognised.
Trevor Tayleur
United Kingdom
Margaret Trelfa
Belinda Burke
John Ryder
Ipswich, UK
Eleanor Dennison
Christine Blunt
United Kingdom
Marian Hussenbux
Wirral, GB
Joan Daines
Sheffield, UK
Carers do a fantastic job, but can’t survive on goodwill.
Kathryn Blount
Adrian Cox
Naomi Adelson
Anna White
United Kingdom
Carers need to be listened to and heard. They do wonderful work under very difficult circumstances and which is mostly under recognised. They need to be supported both financially and with resources.
S Appala Nayudu
Kakinada, Andhra Pradesh, India
We must support carers’ health, education, livelihood and emotional support for well-being through awareness generation and advocacy programs.
Phillip Giuliano
United States
We are all Caregivers-God Bless-Phillip Giuliano-Orchard House Medical Adult Daycare Center.
Anil Patil
I commit to doing all in my power to raise awareness and recognition of the vital role of family carers, by igniting the imagination of all stakeholders including corporates, service providers, and governments at every single opportunity.
Devaraje Gowda
Rob Aley
Thank you for the Charter and promoting the rights of carers.
Alison Facey
Potters Bar, UK
Michelle Gocoldas
I commit to doing what I can to help promote and support the rights of unpaid carers!
Sarah Ridley
Reading, England
I commit to the principles outlined in the Carers Charter and will do all that I can to promote its dissemination and implementation.
Jonathan Freeman
A vital campaign to ensure that individuals with caring responsibilities are recognised and respected. I commit to doing all in my power to advocate for unpaid carers.
Monira Rahman
I am signing the carers charter. Will you?
Ruth Stross
I pledge to support and promote the rights of unpaid carers in my work as a nurse and in my personal life.
Bimal L Shrestha
We have great days ahead…
CDD – Savar – Dhaka- Bangladesh
Soon carers will be recognized as a country resource. World will see the smiley face of carers.
Andrew Betts
Olney, UK
I will do my best to apply these commitments in my work with Advantage Africa, share them with my colleagues and encourage them to do the same.
Jane Betts
Andrew Betts
Olney, UK
I will do my best to apply these commitments in my work with Advantage Africa, share them with my colleagues and encourage them to do the same.
Hazel Veitch
Emma Green
United Kingdom
Newport, United Kingdom
Gill Black
United Kingdom
As an unpaid carer myself I am well aware of the pressures and dilemmas affecting carers and these must be much greater in less affluent societies.
Brighton, United Kingdom
Elizabeth Steele
United Kingdom
I support Carers Worldwide and their need for payment and assistance from local government. They are a valuable asset to their countries.
James Lofts
Bristol, United Kingdom
Jane Dyer
United Kingdom
Helen Forshaw
Garstang, Preston
From my volunteering experience I recognise how important unpaid family carers are in supporting their ill family, especially in relation to helping with feeding and calming in a hospital setting.
Chelmsford, United Kingdom
Few have any idea the heavy, unrelenting exhaustion of caring for a fellow human being with little or no other help or support.
Cat S
Sonning, United Kingdom
Kirsten Marenah
Peter Collins
London, United Kingdom
Louise Wilson
United Kingdom
Judy Hutchings
United Kingdom
Andrew Monk
United Kingdom
Maddy Dawe
Sheffield, United Kingdom
Marie Blair
Hamilton, Scotland
Jenny Coleman
United Kingdom
Deirdre Doe
United Kingdom
Jim Charles
Bexleyheath, United Kingdom
S J McDermott
Janice Nye
United Kingdom
Jennifer Vaudin
United Kingdom
Nigel Lees
London, United Kingdom
We need to care for carers.
Ian Sely
Anne Stuart
United Kingdom
I care for my son who has learning difficulties so I understand how lonely, hard and worrying caring can be.
I’m standing with this.
Alex Jowitt
Leeds, United Kingdom
You are supported.
United Kingdom
United Kingdom
Barbara Cooper
United Kingdom
Simeon Jenkin
United Kingdom
Caring for another person is the MOST humane thing that any human being can do.
James Nye
United Kingdom
Celia Gunson
United Kingdom
Paul Booth
Telford, United Kingdom
Evelyn Wright
United Kingdom
Maureen Hackett
United Kingdom
Angela Matthews
Pocklington, United Kingdom
Bridget Gallagher
United Kingdom
Anthony Boardman
Chesire, United Kingdom
Patricia Kane
Northern Ireland
Rae Cecil
United Kingdom
Danielle Gray
Rosemary Hopkins
United Kingdom
United States
Victoria Cooper
United Kingdom
Maij Carter
United Kingdom
Carers are a tremendous help to their families and the state. They should be heard.
Mildred Price
Swansea, United Kingdom
Gemma O'Donnell
London, United Kingdom
Lynne Donoghue
Valeria Bonfiglio
United Kingdom
Dorset, United Kingdom
I have been a carer for a short while recently so I understand a little of what it means. It can be a lonely, hard job where you feel abandoned without any support. So wrong. Changes must be made.
Patricia Jenkins
United Kingdom
Jo Dew-Jones
United Kingdom
Gillian Brydon
United Kingdom
Elaine Tant
United Kingdom
Thank you all for the good you do, not only for your family but the wider community, selflessly caring for your loved ones.
Fiona Hibbs
Wiltshire, United Kingdom
Trevor Sykes
United Kingdom
Ann Terry
United Kingdom
Emma Carvell
United Kingdom
Rebekka Ursina Zwygart
Paul Allard
Stephen Armstrong
Islay Ashe
Shropshire, United Kingdom
Lesley Probert
United Kingdom
Claire Healey
United Kingdom
United Kingdom
Susan Burbridge
United Kingdom
Richard Moore
Milton Keynes, United Kingdom
All governments, employers and civic societies need to remember and support all those who care for someone without being paid or even sometimes without being acknowledged. All welfare systems need to take account of carers’ contributions.
Christina Elliot
Devon, United Kingdom
Caron Kirkham
United Kingdom
Andrew Morrison
United Kingdom
Catherine Rowland
Cambridge, UK
Carers are vitally important in families and societies and deserve gratitude and praise.
Sandi Polson
Keri James
Mary Eldin
Those who spend their lives at home taking care of the young, elderly and those with emotional, educational or physical needs play a huge role in every society but one which is ignored, not valued in many cases and treated as if this should be their main interest in life. Not only do they deserve monetary recompense but above all they need to be valued for what they do – we should all stop and think how would we feel if it was us that were expected to do these roles. Each carer needs to be valued but there also has to be a recognition that if they do not have the means to maintain their own physical and mental health, to engage in social interaction distant from their caring role then they will soon end up needing care themselves. It is crucial for all of us that they are happy and able to continue with their valuable work!
Kate Sotejeff-Wilson
Lianna Jones
United Kingdom
Anne Marie Gordon
United Kingdom
This is a very important issue that currently maintains the status quo for women especially. It is time that family carers are recognised for the work they do to uphold much of the world’s population, for free.
Laura Creed
Ann Parkinson
United Kingdom
Jayne Watson
North Yorkshire, United Kingdom
Carers make societies viable across the world and their work must be acknowledged with provision for their support to give them economic, health and emotional well being.
Margaret Nicholson
Hull, United Kingdom
I would like to support carers in any way I can.
Ewa Zotow
London, United Kingdom
Catherine Cameron
United Kingdom
Claire Whittaker
United Kingdom
Emma Garibaldi
Newport, United Kingdom
Kelly Dowds
Andy Long
Newport, United Kingdom
Neville Bruce
I support the charter
United Kingdom
Elizabeth Roberts
United Kingdom
I support the rights of unpaid family carers across the world and will do what I can to promote their cause so that their needs can be recognised and met.
Martin Hughes
Harlech, United Kingdom
I was a family carer for over 12 years. So I know this is important.
Carole Clohesy
United Kingdom
Carers are mostly women unpaid throughout child bearing and menopause years, and now while deprived of pension that we were led to believe would be ours.
Paul Vivian Gill
United Kingdom
No society can call itself a society unless it supports carers properly.
Sue E
Alexandra Clarke
United Kingdom
Antony Johae
Rob Healey
I fully support the aims of this charter – I know from personal experience how important these principles are and will do all I can to uphold and promote them.
William Murray
Maggie Gorman
Layla Haidrani
United Kingdom
I support the right of unpaid family carers to maintain their own physical and mental health, to maintain social connections and to engage in activities of their choice outside of their caring responsibilities.
Rosemary Donlan
Mela Agnes Jane Davidson
Ann Thompson
Robert Simpson
Patricia Butt
I pledge to support unpaid caregivers wherever I can in my life in Birmingham.
Raymond Macnamara
Enfield, London
Do not neglect your own development, where possible. You too have rights!
Audrey Stone
United Kingdom
Sheila Thomas
United Kingdom
Elisabeth Murray
Lincoln, UK
You are not alone. Support is there for you.
Stuart Richardson
United Kingdom
Ann Covell
Pitlochry, Perthshire
Bethan Brown
United Kingdom
Rowena Ward-Barrow
United Kingdom
Sarah Harrison
United States of America
Susan Anne Baird
United Kingdom
Sally Hunter
United Kingdom
Una Lodge
United Kingdom
Birkin, United Kingdom
Dean Collier
Loughborough, United Kingdom
Hilary Collinson
York, England
Unpaid carers come in various forms. As a new grandparent who will be taking on childcare for free I can appreciate the work other carers have to do. It needs to receive recognition.
Carole Almond
Ipswich Suffolk, UK
I’ve been a family carer for many years. Even with support there came a point when I could not carry on – my own mental health was suffering – and I had to move my husband into a home at the age of 67. It still breaks my heart to see him there.
Fernande Soucie
My prayers are for you all.
Adrian Smith
Southend on Sea, England
Thanks for all you do – God sees you.
Richard James Kite
United Kingdom
Kieran Bohan
United Kingdom
Elizabeth Newton
United Kingdom
Having been an unpaid career for ten years, I wholeheartedly support the aims of the charter: they are much needed.
Elaine Sharp
Joanna Pollard
United Kingdom
Having cared for my mother in her last year I know how important it is for carers to look after themselves both physically and mentally.
Sharon Illis
United Kingdom
Pam Archer
United Kingdom
I’m happy to support this initiative.
Sue Ponton
Thanks for everything you do
Chloe Sayer
Emma Louise Pascoe
John Logan
bless you all
Catherine Ralston
Leanne Carol Chapman
United Kingdom
David Herincx
Roger Dart
Ms Catherine Deller
Jessica Dent
Susan Bee
Susan Fitzpatrick
Dr Kari Maund
Gerri Goan
Stay together, stay strong. You are wonderful people and deserve to be recognised.
Linda Norris
Carers need support!
Sandra Kemplen
Anna Rapotu
Yvonne Long
Margaret McAllister
Family carers are often on the verge of health breakdown and living in poverty. This can’t go on.
Vincent FitzGerald
United Kingdom
Sally Neale
Robert Goundry
Leamington Spa, UK
Bo Keeney
In support of carers around the world!
Madeleine Escobido
Samuel Bidaud
I want to express my solidarity with family carers, who deserve respect and dignity and need to have a personal development as everybody else.
Mike Taylor
Oxford, Great Britain
United Kingdom
Luke Klein
Jacqueline Cartwright
Jacqueline Cartwright
Megan George
Nicole McDowall
Joanna Cole
David Mansell
Yate, Bristol
Elisabeth Clarke
I support the carers charter.
Christine Holbrook
United Kingdom
Most governments rely on unpaid carers to keep the costs of care down but seem unwilling to support those carers to maintain their own mental and physical health. This view is very short sighted and needs to change. I support the carers’ charter.
Lisa Christmas
Pamela I
United Kingdom
I support you all.
Brummagem, UK
I physically couldn’t manage without my husband’s care. Carers deserve better support, especially in poorer communities!
Gillian McCallum
Sending you love and support
Bo Freeman
Alison Travis
Jennifer Tilton
Undy caldicot mon, south wales
I advocate for all unpaid family careers to be paid a good living wage and also provided with the benefits and information that they may need.
Jeni McAughey
United Kingdom
Karen Howell
Barbara Bolstridge
United Kingdom
Martin Gem
Happy Christmas! Keep up your good work.
Linda Wright
Karen B Doney
United Kingdom
Anne Crawford
William Jordan
United Kingdom
Bury St. Edmunds, UK
Do think of the carers’ health, both physically & mental health & time for themselves when deciding about grants etc.
Helen Myers
Colleen Wysser - Martin
Neil Bradley
United Kingdom
Joy Oxley
Christopher Rowland
Cambridge UK
For the last two years after four months in hospital after an emergency operation I have been cared for hour by hour by wife and before that by doctors and nurses at Addenbrookes hospital in Cambridge and as a result have been introduced to the huge importance of caring and the enormous strain it puts on the carer’s mental and physical health.
Julia Shaw
Martina Weitsch
York, UK
Susan Porter
Marlyn Leese
Stroud, Glos.
Sarah Mitchell
United Kingdom
Lyn Smalridge
Jane Morgan
United Kingdom
United Kingdom
A very difficult job with little recognition, I am happy to support carers in any way I can.
Paul Bowring
United Kingdom
Paul McMichael
United Kingdom
Solidarity with all unpaid carers internationally. This is the overlooked job that should be recognised and respected by the same standards as paid NHS staff (not that they are treated appropriately either).
Moyna Bridge
United Kingdom
You do so much for your loved ones and others
Jen Dening
North Yorkshire, England
I commit to this charter.
Tracey Thompson
England, UK
be shown the respect they deserve. They should also be able to receive some form of benefit to help them.
Nick Wright
Mary Gilman
United Kingdom
Ruth Hall
United Kingdom
Gillian Matthews
United Kingdom
I will endeavour to support carers and promote their cause.
Susan Rollinson
United Kingdom
Diana Hallett
Janet Carless
Reading, United Kingdom
Richard Tallontire
United Kingdom
Samantha Moscrop
United Kingdom
S I Ung
There are unpaid carers throughout the world, and little financial and physical help is provided by social welfare departments of most governments.
Mary Waggott
United Kingdom
Anne Holderness
West Sussex, UK
Waltraud Pospischil
United Kingdom
I’m a family carer myself.
Jo Otero
United Kingdom
Carers do an amazing job with no or very little recognition, they take the burden from the State and rarely, if ever, get any respite.
United Kingdom
Tanja B
Julie Brown
United Kingdom
Carers desperately need supporting.
Kara Baah
United Kingdom
Malcolm Bridge
United Kingdom
Alison Hoskins
United Kingdom
Penicuik, Midlothian, UK
Saa Smith
Pranesh Bevinhalkar
Maria Andrews
Brighton, East Sussex, UK
Human Rights for Carers. Carers need to have a protective characteristic so that their additional role is acknowledged.
Christine Edge
Wakefield, UK
Happy to sign up. At some point we may all find ourselves in the role of being a carer. It is important we work together to help carers thrive throughout their lives by promoting their wellbeing, their rights and their roles in society.
Hassan Musa Yaro
Kano, Nigeria
I want to register on your network to benefit the platform for carers
Gautam Chaudhury
I will continue to raise awareness about carers and lobby for appropriate recognition and support from the Government – local, state and central.
Sarah Culverhouse
I pledge to raise awareness of the unseen work that unpaid family carers do each day, and to work on improving the lives for them and the people they care for.
Ruth Patil
I commit to bring carers, their vital role and their commitment, to the attention of families, communities, service providers and governments at every opportunity.
I commit to doing what I can to support the rights of unpaid carers
Dionne Williams
I pledge to continue to raise awareness of unpaid family carers, and their contribution not just to their own families, but to our society as a whole. Carers do and deserve support, to improve their physical, social and economic wellbeing.
Stecy Yghemonos
Prasad A
Caring, Concern and Committed to work for Carers empowerment.
Geoffrey Duncan
United Kingdom
All support for carers.
Muralidhara S
Congratulations to Carers Worldwide team for their commitment and dedication towards carers.
Mathew M V
We are interested to be part of CARERS Programme
John Nightingale
United Kingdom
Please support carers
Angela Brooke-Ward
United Kingdom
To All Carers You deserve recognition for all that you do!!! I wish you GOOD HEALTH, PEACE OF MIND AND HAPPINESS DURING THE FESTIVE SEASON AND THROUGHOUT 2023 Angela
Philippa Collings
Wilts , United Kingdom
You carers do an amazing job and need support
Diane Bissett
United Kingdom
Tomas Bray-Farebyrn
United Kingdom
Florence heyhoe
Northern Ireland
Tomas Bray-Farebyrn
United Kingdom
Sally Bates
Essex, England
Soha Sajid
United Kingdom
I fully support your dedication and selfless work. You are unsung heroes who should be celebrated.
Alex Ross
United Kingdom
Nicola Beale
United Kingdom
Mary Clark
United Kingdom
I am full of admiration for all of you. You are amazing
No justice in this world
Alan Russell
United Kingdom
Hove , United Kingdom
Karen Davies
Wrecsam , United Kingdom
Yvonne Stonehewer
United Kingdom
In support of all carers, you are appreciated
Ella Forster
May Orr-Wilcox
Penzance, United Kingdom
Julia Meason
United Kingdom
Jane Brackenridge
Weymouth, Dorset, United Kingdom
Doreen Brand
United Kingdom
Cally Dobson
Stockton on Tees, United Kingdom
Mary Jones
L. Naylor
I will continue to commit to the Carers Charter and will continue to spread the word in my interactions with others.
Rachel Henry
United Kingdom
S. Corbett
Jean Webster
As a former carer I support this
Paul Reddy
Welwyn Garden City
Dave Lukes
Fran Scott
United Kingdom
Salma Haidrani
I support the right of unpaid family carers to maintain their own physical and mental health, to maintain social connections and to engage in activities of their choice outside of their caring responsibilities
Helen Peck
United Kingdom
Cathy Page
United Kingdom
Sarah Kirk-Browne
United Kingdom
Carolyn Jory
United Kingdom
Without my support which can be very tiring and impact my energy and life my sibling with learning difficulties he would be likely to end up in a more restrictive care setting and higher risk of abuse and lack of advocacy. It does not feel at times i am recognised for this role so welcome the carers charter.
Mr Ian Kenna
Stockport England
Family carers play a very important role in our society – I know, as I was a carer for my mother for many years. This role should be recognised & supported.
Sarajane Downing
Katherine Davis-Bater
Reading, UK
Sheila Twiddy
Please take heed of this charter as it matters to so many of our most vulnerable, Thank you!
Elizabeth MacKelvie
Having been a nurse in numerous settings, and having had an elderly, failing parent, I am aware of the work and love that goes into the carer role.
Margaret Brock
Carers save the economy and NHS millions of pounds a year. They deserve support.
Myriam Garason
Unpaid family carers play a vital role in society, and I pledge to protect and promote their rights.
Eleanor Lakew
United Kingdom
Leonie Baldwin
Roger Beasley
Peregrine Morley
Steve Lee
Wales,, UK
United Kingdom
Helen Owen
United Kingdom
Carers need all the support they can get.
Jane Edmondson
London, England
Carers are the backbone of every society. They are our humanity. They deserve our respect and support, and our eternal thanks. You are the best of us.
Jessica Harrison
Tamworth, England
Liz Smith
Warminster, UK
Thanks to all carers, who give so much to their families. Every government needs to offer support to you.
Amy Townsend-Blackman
Julia Chantrell
Julia Chantrell
Liz Dale
Kathleen Davies
Weston Super Mare, United Kingdom
Thank you for all you do, caring for others. You make the world a better place.
Michael Carney
United Kingdom
Mrs Ceri Sheppard
United Kingdom
Well done to you for doing the difficult and vital job which you do.
Carol Baillie
North Devon
Elizabeth Hannay
Carers are the most vital and precious people in today’s society. They deserve the time for each of those they care for and recompense to show how valued they are.
Palmeta J Baier
United States
Take care of your own health too!
Donna Heath
Rachel Steele
United Kingdom
Lesley Curbishley
Unpaid carers must be supported for their wellbeing in health, education and inclusion.
Kate Rudd
Ilkley, UK
Carers play such a valuable role in society and it is often overlooked by governments even though it is an essential part of any caring society.
Colin Hyland
Francesca Dorling
Carers are doing their caring 24/7 unpaid and , for the most part, unsung. They need to be given a voice and to feel valued.
Jeremy Hicks
Fareham, UK
Massive thanks to all carers for all you do.
Katherine Ower
Kevin Skippon
Patrick McCarthy
Chris Wooff
United Kingdom
Unpaid carer’s provide an amazing essential service but need much batter support and recognition.
S Colpitts Elliott
Keith Drinkwater
United Kingdom
David Billingham
United Kingdom
Daniel Pink
Elizabeth Anne Cooper
Luke McGibbon
Sharmila Sengupta
Derek Patterson
N. Ireland
John Chambers
Yvonne Phillips
Patrick Thomas Sudlow
Monte Francisco, Portugal
Karen Law
United Kingdom
Unpaid careers worldwide do an invaluable job and deserve support and recognition for this role.
Patrick Thomas Sudlow
Monte Francisco, Portugal
Penny Philcox
Carers need proper support and acknowledgment.
Marion Thomas
As someone who relies on carers, both paid and unpaid, I fully support this charter.
Ruth Houston
United Kingdom
Dr Michael Wang
Sally Billenness
Caring is vital work, but it must never become a chore.
Teresa Devereux
Leeds, England
Bradford, England
I support all unpaid carers throughout the world
Harrogate UK
You do a wonderful job, caring in very difficult conditions. God bess and sending Christian Love.
Sheila Bates
United Kingdom
Carers are a backbone of mostly female workers; they deserve to be protected and respected.
Patrick Haynes
United Kingdom
David Warner
United Kingdom
You’re doing a great job.
Elizabeth Binney
West Morden, Dorset
I know how hard carers work, they are heroes. The young carers are amazing helping to look after family members. This all has to be fitted around school. I have been on the board of one of the carers groups in England so have a lot of insight to the problems they face.
Fiona Banham
Joanna Watson
United Kingdom
David Deeson
United Kingdom
Jayne Dodd
United Kingdom
Thank you for promoting unpaid carers.
Sharon Owens
Kilbirnie, Ayrshire, Scotland
I have also been an invisible carer for 35 years. It’s hard going some days
Catherine Jones
Crawcrook, Tyne and Wear
As a retired Social Worker I was privileged to meet and work with unpaid carers of all ages. Their devotion and support given to their loved ones is unsurpassable and beyond measure. They care with love, with little recognition, often in isolation, giving up their dreams, aspirations and paid work. Thank you. I fully support the Carers Charter.
Petia Tzokova
Christopher Brockwell
Eleanor Sanchez
Pat Walmsley
Jill Jacobs
Caroline Larner
United Kingdom
Sarah Ellis
Patricia Andrews
United Kingdom
Gail Greaves
Sheila Blair
All unpaid carers should receive gratitude not negativity
Joan Powell
United Kingdom
Respect to unpaid family carers !
Barbara Tinto
Paul Tillsley
A jex
So many discriminations and hardships world wide locally often access to services problematic as unable to get out without additional support or respite.
Louise Everard
Cambridge UK
Having worked for many years with the families of disabled children and those with mental health problems I am very well aware of the struggles of carers even in the affluent north. I have had to balance the demands of family care and earning a living myself and have been very fortunate in being able to do this, due to my education and the social support around me. I am committed to the aims of the Carers Charter and continue to be active in upholding Carer’s interests.
A Michael Lewis
United Kingdom
Having been an unpaid Carer for twelve years, I really do appreciate everything that unpaid Carers do. Thank you.
Hong Luo
Esther Pastores
United Kingdom
Sue Fraser
London UK
Christine Quinn
North Wootton, England
I have a disability & need a carer to help me with everyday tasks, without his unpaid support my life would be impossible.
Cath Dyer
Teresa Devine
Mandy Hanton
Norfolk, United Kingdom
All family carers around the world should be recognised by their respective governments for all that they contribute, sometimes to the detriment of their own welfare.
Gillian Brett
United Kingdom
Eva Garden
K Rochester
United Kingdom
Claire Dane
Surrey, United Kingdom
May all those who live out their mission as carers be recognised and supported in their work and know that their light is not unseen.
Lindsay Salvage
United Kingdom
Alice Marriott
United Kingdom
Denise Uren
Carers are a vital part of the community and they should be given recognition and respect for this and supported in their endeavours.
United Kingdom
Susan Sheibani
United Kingdom
United Kingdom
Karen Dowling
United Kingdom
Karen Malivoire
United Kingdom
Alexander Waller
Unpaid carers devote an immeasurable amount of energy and time to ensure the wellbeing of relatives and/or neighbours and friends. The cost of this care would cripple many governments but without this care societies would collapse. We are incredibly indebted to these undervalued people. They deserve all the support we can offer.
Gordon Bushell
Angharad Davies
Christine Amica
England, UK
Anne Cash
I am specially concerned about the number of very young unpaid carers and the long term impact their caring role has on their lives and opportunities.
Carol Stanley
United Kingdom
United Kingdom
Carers need support.
Lindsay Hope Kern
I don’t know how much I can personally do but I know this is an important issue and family carers need and well deserve all the support possible.
Rachel Rowden
United Kingdom
Yaz Zia
United Kingdom
Carers all over the world must be recognised as invaluable and vital members of society and treated as such
Anna Lewis
Oxfordshire, England
I was a carer for my mum with dementia and totally understand the need to look after oneself
Stephanie Oates
Geoffrey and Patricia Duncan
United Kingdom
We will give support to Carers.
Phil Johnson
United Kingdom
Md. Moniruzzaman Monir
Greetings from Jhikargacha Development Organization (JDO) Address: Jhikargacha, Jashore, Bangladesh JDO would like to involve all activities of Carers Worldwide program. We are waiting for implementation of your project which will be benefit for the rural disabled people and their parents.
Ian Yates
Oxfordshire, UK
We all have our part to play. And I am happy to play my part 100%!
Lancashire, UK
We all have our part to play. And I am happy to play my part 100%!
Ramesh Vinnakota
Provide Care with all your Love while you can. Remember it all comes back when you need it someday. Three Cheers to all the Carers out there.
Gayathri Subhash
Bengaluru, India
Carers definitely deserve recognition and better facilities
Natesha NK
Tumkur in India
Carers service needs to be recognized and supported to improve their health and socioeconomic well being.
Maveen Pereira
United Kingdom
Suzanne Bourne
Hampshire, UK
We all have our part to play in all spheres of life.
Andy McGowan
United Kingdom
Emilie Weight
Embracing Carers all together worldwide.
In all the spheres of my work, be it research, training, therapeutic services, resource development and its dissemination, I pledge to do my best for the holistic wellbeing of the unpaid family carers. #CommittedToCarers
Patricia Duncan
We will give support to carers.
Mallari Kulkarni
Bengaluru, India
Caregivers should be given opportunity to earn on special status in various Govt sponsored schemes/ Pvt corporates
K N Sudeendra Kumar
Pavagada Karnataka India
It was great experience.
May Orr-Wilcox
Penzance, United Kingdom