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Hold Your Own

Fundraising Event

First of all, a huge thank you for showing an interest in fundraising for carers in India, Nepal and Bangladesh.

Some of you may already know exactly what you want to do and are ready to get going whilst others may be thinking “where do I start”? Below are just some of the fundraising ideas we have, but the possibilities are endless.

Ali cooking

"I attended a Virtual Curry for Carers event. It is a great initiative and it was fun to take part in!"


Any of these ideas could be done in the office or at home

If you are still working from home but part of a bigger team, why not incorporate some of these ideas over your catch up calls on Zoom or Microsoft Office teams.

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Curry For Carers

Hold a curry night for you, your friends and family, either in a restaurant or from the comfort of your own home. Our Fundraising Toolkit provides you with a step-by-step guide on how to make the event a fundraising success. Check out our Curry For Carers Fundraising Toolkit for all the information you need.

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Special Occasions

Whatever the occasion, by asking friends and family for donations instead of gifts you can make a real difference to the lives of carers and their families. Setting up a birthday fundraiser is super quick and easy on Facebook and a great way to let everyone know about what you are doing. Click here to find out more about setting up a fundraiser on Facebook.

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Contact a variety of local businesses in your area and ask them to donate raffle prizes which can then be auctioned off to your office mates, neighbours, friends and family. You may wish to contact hairdressers, independent clothes stores, confectionaries etc. This could be great publicity for local businesses who may be struggling at the moment.

Digital Detox

Digital Detox

In a time where we are all phone addicts, why not do a sponsored 24 hour digital detox, a harder challenge than you think. Or you could give up something else that you love for a week or month like chocolate or alcohol.

bingo balls

Quiz Or Bingo

Organise a general knowledge quiz or musical bingo where the first one to guess the song wins. You can do this with work colleagues or with friends and family. Easy to do virtually over Zoom, Skype or Teams.

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Hottest Curry Challenge

Take on a challenge! Do you or someone you know really enjoy a spicy curry? How about daring yourself or them to try some different types of spicy curries or chillies to see just how hot you or they can handle?

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Shave It Or Grow It

Could you get sponsored to shave your head or trim your long locks? Or do it the other way around and grow the ever-popular hipster moustache or beard.

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Slime Challenge

Get a boss at work or a friend to be dunked with slime or sit in a bath of baked beans. Set it up to watch via Zoom and you don’t have to be part of the mess!

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Fancy dress, fun games and raffles can all be themed around national holidays like Valentines Day, Halloween, Christmas or Easter. The possibilities are endless.

These are just some of the ideas we have found popular for office and home fundraising, but of course the list is endless. If you have the seed of an idea, do get in touch and we can help you develop it. Whatever you choose to do, we will be here every step of the way to offer you support and advice, and any materials you need to get the most out of your fundraising.

When you have decided that you want to hold a fundraising event, please download our Fundraising Pack which features useful tips and essential guidance that you will need for your event.

For more info, or to notify us of your proposed event, please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or phone +44 (0) 7745 955682.

Small Actions You Can Make


Are you one for online shopping? Or do you like to spend the odd £1 playing the lottery? If you are based in the UK you can easily support carers as you go about your online activities.

Click on each activity to reveal more about them:

Donate Your

Leftover Currency

We’ve all got old currency hidden away in a drawer…you know the drawer we mean, the one that contains batteries and old keys. Why not have a clear out and put it to good use - turn your old and foreign currency into a donation for Carers Worldwide!

Find out how easy it is to donate your Leftover Currency to us here:

Send charity ecards

And donate the cost of cards and stamps

Switch to ecards and donate what you would have spent on cards and stamps to support our work with unpaid carers in South Asia instead. Click on the logo below: