Completed Projects: Bangladesh
Upscaling And Expanding A Successfully Tested Approach

Bangladesh -
Project Dates
August 2021 – July 2024 -
Project Partners
Centre for Disability in Development -
CareTech Foundation, Rangoonwala Foundation
- forming 50 carers groups; 8 cluster groups, a Carers Association and the Carers Alliance Bangladesh
- 1,008 carers have accessed medical advice and counselling
- 5 local staff have been skilled and are confident to work with carers
- 425 carers have been trained and are engaging in livelihoods activities
Link to full independent Final Evaluation Report here
Promoting the health and wellbeing of family carers and people

Bangladesh -
Project Dates
January 2024 - June 2024 -
Project Partners
Centre for Disability in Development -
Eurofins Foundation
- Eye screening and assessment for 175 carers and 35 disabled children and provision of glasses where needed
- Hearing assessment for 100 disabled children and provision of hearing aids to those requiring them
- Gynaecological assessment and diagnosis for 100 female carers in collaboration with local hospitals
- Provision of assistive devices and therapy equipment to support musculo-skeletal problems and mobility issues for 74 carers and 142 disabled children and adults
- Provision of assistive adaptations in 10 homes to promote independence of the disabled person and reduce physical stress on the carer
- Health promotion via training to 175 carers and community members on nutrition and mental health awareness, leading to greater acceptance and reduced stigma around the mental health issues experienced by carers
Emergency Food, Medical And Therapeutic Support

Bangladesh -
Project Dates
April 2023 – July 2023 -
Project Partners
Centre for Disability in Development -
Cosaraf Charitable Foundation
Achieving Socioeconomic Inclusion

Savar, Bangladesh -
Project Dates
June 2019 – December 2020 -
Project Partners
Centre for Disability in Development (CDD) Bangladesh -
Guernsey Overseas Aid Commission (GOAC)
Testing An Approach

Savar, Bangladesh -
Project Dates
October 2018 – September 2020 -
Project Partners
Centre for Disability in Development (CDD) Bangladesh -
UK Aid Direct – Small Charities Challenge Fund
Using a community empowerment approach, this project is addressing the social and economic challenges being faced by carers, the majority of whom are women.
Research by CDD estimated that 67% of households in the project area containing a carer and person with disability were living in extreme poverty on less than $1 per day. These carers were excluded from mainstream poverty alleviation programmes due to caring responsibilities and stigma which meant there was a critical need for this project.
- Carers participating in local support groups
- Carers having access to improved medical services and counselling
- Carers reporting an improvement in their wellbeing
- Carers engaging in new livelihoods and lifting their families out of poverty
- Carers having the information and support that they need to access government and private livelihood opportunities
Community Caring Centres

Savar, Bangladesh -
Project Dates
January 2021 – December 2021 -
Project Partners
Centre for Disability in Development (CDD) Bangladesh -
Randal Charitable Foundation
Enabling People With Physical Disabilities In Bangladesh

Savar, Bangladesh -
Project Dates
March 2019 – February 2020 -
Project Partners
Centre for Disability in Development (CDD) Bangladesh -
Souter Charitable Trust
By providing a range of assistive devices (aids and appliances) this project has enabled greater freedom for disabled people to participate in various aspects of community life while simultaneously alleviating some of the caring burden, in turn freeing time for carers to, for instance, earn a living, and thereby reduce family poverty.
This project also offered basic rehabilitation therapy training to disabled people’s carers, equipping those carers with a skill that removes the need to seek costly therapy through a commercial service.
In this project, our local partner CDD held a mobile outreach disability camp in Savar. A team of rehabilitation and primary health specialists assessed and diagnosed disabilities, referred those who required specialised rehabilitation services and/or corrective surgery, and promoted functional independence as far as is possible.